Training Resources to Assist You During the Pandemic

I Have Lost My Job | I Am Working, but Making Less Income
I Am Working More Than Ever! | I Am Working, but I Don’t Have a Lot to Do
We are all in this together, but we are not in the same boat. The pandemic has impacted training professionals in different ways, from complete loss of income to maintaining a position but with triple the work.
To help our training community, we have curated our favorite resources and specials to address the most common situations we have heard about in conversations with you.

I Have Lost My Job
If you have lost your primary income source and also find yourself with some time on your hands, we recommend that you focus your time on retooling to emerge from the pandemic as the most valuable possible professional.
Also, people are hiring!
– Watch our latest webinar, You Can’t Beat ‘Em, So Join ‘Em –Training’s Role in Informal Learning
– Read our latest book, Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Training Evaluation
– Get active on LinkedIn. Feel free to introduce yourself and describe the type of position you seek. We have also seen quality jobs mentioned in postings, so spend some time each day reading updates and searching for new positions being posted.
- Connect with Kirkpatrick Partners
- Connect with Jim Kirkpatrick
- Connect with Wendy Kirkpatrick
- Join the Kirkpatrick Evaluation group

I Am Working, but Making Less Income
Many training professionals are contractors and small business owners that earn their income one engagement at a time. For many of these individuals, they are working really hard to obtain new bookings, but right now, there is a gap in income.
If this describes you, here are some of our best quick resources:
– Watch our latest webinar, You Can’t Beat ‘Em, So Join ‘Em –Training’s Role in Informal Learning
– Read our white paper, An Introduction to the New World Kirkpatrick® Model

I Am Working More Than Ever!
Some of you are the last one standing in your training department. Some co-workers have been let go, and now all the work is on you. First, we are happy for you that you are maintaining your salary and benefits. Second, we hope you are taking time for yourself outside of work to de-stress.
For you, we offer this very short read to help you stay focused on what is important:
– Read, Create Training That Produces Business Results

I Am Working, but I Don’t Have a Lot to Do
Some training professionals are fortunate that their employer can continue to pay them even if training has been scaled back. If you are in this position, you have a great opportunity to use this time for your own development, so you emerge from the pandemic ready to serve others in new and enhanced ways.
For you, we recommend any of the items previously listed, plus:
– Get Kirkpatrick bronze-level certified
– Already bronze level certified? Continue on to silver certification
– Already bronze and silver certified? Get gold level certified by sharing your story
Want more? Visit our Resources Library, which contains over 100 free items for you on demand.