Jim Kirkpatrick’s New Year Message: Make 2020 a ReNEWal Year

My 2018 New Year’s message detailed what I believe the learning and development industry needs to do in order to survive. 

Last year, my message was full of hope.

This year, I have my reNEWal intentions to share with you. 

I am standing at my office desk in Newnan, GA, USA looking at my key chain. Among the usual keys for house, office, and car, and a little scanner for my grocery store. I also have a little scanner card for the local gym, which I joined a week ago. 

I refuse to look at my joining the fitness center as a new year’s resolution. I am not at all interested in becoming one of the well-meaning majority who makes such resolutions and abandons them before February 1. I am interested in a life renewal, and I am going to give it my best shot, and I want to offer some inspiration for you to do the same.

I am 66 years old, and, according to my physician, quite physically healthy. Joining the gym is part of my attempt to keep it that way. Specifically, I will be working on maintaining muscle strength and tone, keeping heart health, and increasing my flexibility. Oh, I also intend to lose 8 pounds and keep it off.

My physical health, however, is only part of my reNEWal intention. I have a 30-year-old son by the name of C.J. who I adore. He lives in Madison, Wisconsin. While we never have cross words, we have not been as close as I would like. A few months ago I dedicated myself to do what I can to build a closer relationship with him. We now talk or text several times a week, and have made numerous plans to get together, both during the holidays and beyond. 

I am also working on being more open with people, closer to my cadre of good male friends, more uplifting to people I meet, stronger in my spiritual life, and allowing more opportunities for people and situations to take my breath away.

In other words, I want a neNEWal. I plan to use whatever means I can to ensure that I, on January 1, 2021, I will find myself a reNEWed person, father, friend, and professional. To accomplish this lofty goal, it only seems natural to employ the New World Kirkpatrick Model.

I am not one who believes the popular adage, “You can accomplish anything you can dream.” It’s ridiculous to suggest that I can take over for Aaron Rodgers as the quarterback for the Green Bay Packers NFL football team. However, I can set realistic goals and live my best life.

My Level 4 Results and Leading Indicators
Live my best life through good health, spiritual strength and positive interpersonal relationships

  • Stay at healthy blood pressure
  • Return to healthy weight
  • Increase flexibility
  • Feel more peace and less anxiety
  • Sleep restfully
  • Be more authentic with friends and family
  • Have more adventures with friends and family

My Level 3 Critical Behaviors 

  • Work out at the gym for one hour, 3 times per week, including cardio, strength and flexibility workouts
  • Run two miles twice per week
  • Read food labels prior to making a purchase, and select items with the fewest unhealthy ingredients
  • Reduce food portions

My Level 3 Required Drivers

  • Track critical behaviors and required drivers on a wall chart
  • 2 friends have agreed to encourage me when I follow my plan and challenge me when I don’t
  • Reward myself monthly for overall good compliance with several new fishing lures 
  • Deny myself the pleasure of watching the TV show “Bonanza” for a week when I have poor compliance

Consider joining me in reNEWing yourself individually and professionally this year, with your feet solidly on the ground of reality. Here are a few ways to get started: 

I need to go. Time to work out! I’ll update you as to the progress on my goals in March.

Additional Resources
Hope and Joy Amidst the Fire – 2019’s New Year Message

Kirkpatrick Four Levels® Evaluation Certification Program – Bronze Level

Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Training Evaluation

Kirkpatrick Foundational Principles