Unlocking True Value: The Missing Link in Training and Evaluation Plans

Photo of white puzzle pieces with one missing revealing an empty space.

Do you deliver training, and almost immediately go looking for results? Then you may be missing the most important element of a successful training and evaluation plan.

Delivering training and merely hoping for results breeds skepticism about the value of professional development. The missing link, Level 3 Behavior, is where the true value of training is created, leading to the realization of the desired result.

The common misconception that implementing a Level 3 plan for post-training support and accountability is challenging, costly, or beyond the scope of training is untrue. Explore the surprisingly simple steps to crafting training with true value.

Read our CLO Magazine article.

For a deeper dive into Level 3 Behavior, read Transferring Learning to Behavior.

Additional Resources

Free Resources
Kirkpatrick Four Levels ®  Evaluation Certification Program – Bronze Level
FREE WEBINAR: Do You Have The Resources You Need For Key Program Success?
READ THE BOOK: Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Training Evaluation